A Bicameral Consisting of the House of Representatives
Bicameralism is a type of legislature, one divided into two separate assemblies, chambers, or houses, known equally a bicameral legislature. Bicameralism is distinguished from unicameralism, in which all members deliberate and vote as a single group. As of 2015[update], about forty% of world's national legislatures are bicameral, and well-nigh 60% are unicameral.[1]
Often, the members of the two chambers are elected or selected by different methods, which vary from country to country. This can often lead to the two chambers having very different compositions of members.
Enactment of primary legislation frequently requires a concurrent bulk—the blessing of a majority of members in each of the chambers of the legislature. When this is the case, the legislature may be chosen an example of perfect bicameralism. However, in many parliamentary and semi-presidential systems, the house to which the executive is responsible tin can overrule the other house and may be regarded as an instance of imperfect bicameralism. Some legislatures lie in betwixt these ii positions, with one house able to overrule the other only under certain circumstances.
History of bicameral legislatures [edit]
The British Parliament is often referred to equally the "Female parent of Parliaments" (in fact a misquotation of John Bright, who remarked in 1865 that "England is the Mother of Parliaments") because the British Parliament has been the model for most other parliamentary systems, and its Acts have created many other parliaments.[2] The origins of British bicameralism can exist traced to 1341, when the Commons met separately from the dignity and clergy for the commencement time, creating what was finer an Upper Sleeping room and a Lower Chamber, with the knights and burgesses sitting in the latter. This Upper Chamber became known as the House of Lords from 1544 onward, and the Lower Sleeping accommodation became known every bit the Firm of Commons, collectively known as the Houses of Parliament.
Many nations with parliaments take to some degree emulated the British "iii-tier" model. Nigh countries in Europe and the Commonwealth have similarly organised parliaments with a largely formalism head of state who formally opens and closes parliament, a big elected lower house, and (different United kingdom) a smaller upper house.[3] [four]
The Founding Fathers of the Usa too favoured a bicameral legislature. The thought was to have the Senate be wealthier and wiser. Benjamin Rush saw this though, and noted that "this blazon of dominion is almost always connected with opulence". The Senate was created to be a stabilising strength, not elected by mass electors, but selected by the State legislators. Senators would be more than knowledgeable and more than deliberate—a sort of republican nobility—and a counter to what James Madison saw as the "fickleness and passion" that could absorb the House.[5]
He noted further that "The use of the Senate is to consist in its proceeding with more coolness, with more arrangement and with more than wisdom, than the popular co-operative." Madison'due south argument led the Framers to grant the Senate prerogatives in foreign policy, an area where steadiness, discretion, and circumspection were accounted peculiarly important.[5] State legislators chose the Senate, and senators had to possess pregnant property to be deemed worthy and sensible plenty for the position. In 1913, the 17th Amendment passed, which mandated choosing Senators by popular vote rather than Land legislatures.[5]
Equally part of the Great Compromise, the Founding Fathers invented a new rationale for bicameralism in which the Senate had an equal number of delegates per state, and the Business firm had representatives by relative populations.
Rationale for bicameralism and criticism [edit]
A formidable sinister interest may e'er obtain the complete command of a ascendant assembly past some chance and for a moment, and it is therefore of great employ to have a second sleeping accommodation of an opposite sort, differently composed, in which that interest in all likelihood will non dominion.
—Walter Bagehot, "The English Constitution", in Norman St John-Stevas, ed., The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot, London, The Economist, vol. five, pp. 273–274.
There have been a number of rationales put forward in favour of bicameralism. Federal states take often adopted it, and the solution remains popular when regional differences or sensitivities crave more explicit representation, with the second bedchamber representing the constituent states. Nevertheless, the older justification for second chambers—providing opportunities for second thoughts about legislation—has survived.[ citation needed ] For states considering a different ramble organization that may shift power to new groupings, bicameralism could be demanded past currently hegemonic groups who would otherwise prevent whatsoever structural shift (e.thousand. armed services dictatorships, aristocracies).
The growing awareness of the complexity of the notion of representation and the multi-functional nature of mod legislatures may exist affording incipient new rationales for 2d chambers, though these practise generally remain contested institutions in ways that kickoff chambers are non. An instance of political controversy regarding a second sleeping accommodation has been the fence over the powers of the Senate of Canada or the ballot of the Senate of French republic.[6]
The relationship between the 2 chambers varies: in some cases, they have equal ability, while in others, i chamber is conspicuously superior in its powers. The first tends to be the case in federal systems and those with presidential governments. The second tends to be the case in unitary states with parliamentary systems. At that place are two streams of thought: critics believe bicameralism makes meaningful political reforms more difficult to achieve and increases the run a risk of gridlock—particularly in cases where both chambers take like powers—while proponents argue the merits of the "checks and balances" provided by the bicameral model, which they believe help prevent ill-considered legislation.
Advice between houses [edit]
Formal advice between houses is by various methods, including:[7]
- Sending messages
- Formal notices, such equally of resolutions or the passing of bills, normally washed in writing, via the clerk and speaker of each house.
- Transmission
- of bills or subpoena to bills requiring agreement from the other house.
- Articulation session
- a plenary session of both houses at the aforementioned time and place.
- Joint committees
- which may exist formed past committees of each firm agreeing to join, or by joint resolution of each house. The United States Congress has conference committees to resolve discrepancies betwixt Business firm and Senate versions of a nib, similar to "Conferences" in Westminster parliaments.
- Conferences
- Conferences of the Houses of the English (afterwards British) Parliament met in the Painted Sleeping room of the Palace of Westminster.[8] Historically there were two singled-out types: "ordinary" and "gratuitous". The British Parliament last held an ordinary briefing in 1860—its elaborate procedure yielding to the simpler sending of letters. A free conference resolves a dispute through "managers" meeting less formally in private. The concluding costless conference at Westminster was in 1836 on an subpoena to the Municipal Corporations Act 1835;[9] the previous one had been in 1740—with not much more than success than ordinary conferences, the free type yielded to the greater transparency of messages.[ten] In the Parliament of Australia there have been two formal conferences, in 1930 and 1931, merely many informal conferences.[7] [11] As of 2007[update] the "Briefing of Managers" remains the usual procedure for dispute resolution in the Parliament of South Australia.[12] In the Parliament of New South Wales in 2011, the Legislative Associates requested a free conference with the Legislative Council over a nib on graffiti; after a year the Quango refused, describing the mechanism as primitive and inappropriate.[11] The two houses of the Parliament of Canada have as well used conferences, simply not since 1947 (although they retain the option).
Examples of bicameralism at the national level [edit]
Federal [edit]
Some countries, such as Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Malaysia, United mexican states, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Switzerland, and the U.s., link their bicameral systems to their federal political construction.
In the U.s.a., Commonwealth of australia, Mexico, Brazil and Nepal for case, each state or province is given the same number of seats in one of the houses of the legislature, despite variance between the populations of united states of america or provinces. This is intended to ensure that smaller states are non overshadowed past larger states, which may accept more representation in the other house of the legislature.
Canada [edit]
Canada's elected lower house, the House of Commons, comprises Members of Parliament (MPs) from unmarried-member "ridings" based mainly on population (updated every 10 years using Demography data). The Eatables is democratically elected every four years (constitutionally upward to five years). In contrast, in Canada's upper business firm, Senators are appointed to serve until age 75 by the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Government minister.
The Government (i.e. executive) is responsible to and must maintain the confidence of the elected House of Commons. Although the two chambers formally accept many of the aforementioned powers, this accountability clearly makes the Commons dominant—determining which political party is in power, blessing its proposed upkeep and (largely) the laws enacted. The Senate primarily acts equally a chamber of revision: it almost never rejects bills passed by the Commons but does regularly better them; such amendments respect each bill's purpose, so they are usually acceptable to the Eatables. Occasionally, the two houses cannot come to an agreement on an amendment, which results in rare instances of a central Government bill failing.[ citation needed ] The Senate'southward ability to investigate issues of concern to Canada tin can raise their profile (sometimes sharply) on voters' political agendas.
Australia [edit]
The bicameral Parliament of Australia consists of 2 Houses: the lower house is called the House of Representatives and the upper house is named the Senate. The lower firm currently[ when? ] has 151 members, each elected from unmarried-member constituencies, known as electoral divisions (ordinarily referred to as "electorates" or "seats") using total-preference instant-runoff voting. This tends to lead to the sleeping accommodation being dominated past ii major groups, the Liberal/National Coalition and the Labor Party. The authorities of the day must achieve the conviction of this House to gain and hold power.
The upper house, the Senate, is too popularly elected, nether the unmarried transferable vote system of proportional representation. There are a total of 76 senators: 12 senators are elected from each of the six Australian states (regardless of population) and ii from each of the ii autonomous internal territories (the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory). This makes the total number 76, i.e. six×12 + ii×2.
Dissimilar upper houses in most Westminster parliamentary systems, the Australian Senate is vested with significant ability, including the capacity to block legislation initiated by the government in the House of Representatives, making it a distinctive hybrid of British Westminster bicameralism and US-manner bicameralism. As a effect of proportional representation, the bedroom features a multitude of parties vying for power. The governing party or coalition, which must maintain the conviction of the lower house, rarely has a majority in the Senate and commonly needs to negotiate with other parties and Independents to get legislation passed.[13]
Others [edit]
In German, Indian, and Pakistani systems, the upper houses (the Bundesrat, the Rajya Sabha, and the Senate respectively) are even more than closely linked with the federal system, being appointed or elected direct by the governments or legislatures of each German or Indian state, or Pakistani province. This was also the case in the United States before the Seventeenth Amendment was adopted. Because of this coupling to the executive branch, High german legal doctrine does not treat the Bundesrat as the 2d chamber of a bicameral system formally. Rather, information technology sees the Bundesrat and the Bundestag as independent constitutional bodies. But the directly elected Bundestag is considered the parliament.[14] In the German language Bundesrat, the various Länder accept between three and six votes; thus, while the less populated states have a lower weight, they even so have a stronger voting power than would be the case in a system based proportionately on population, as the most populous Land currently has about 27 times the population of the least populous. The Indian upper business firm does not have the states represented equally, but on the basis of their population.
There is also bicameralism in countries that are non federations, simply have upper houses with representation on a territorial basis. For case, in South Africa, the National Council of Provinces (and earlier 1997, the Senate) has its members chosen by each province's legislature.
In Espana, the Senate functions as a de facto territorially based upper firm, and there has been some pressure from the Autonomous Communities to reform it into a strictly territorial chamber.
The European Union maintains a somewhat close to bicameral legislative arrangement consisting of the European Parliament, which is elected in elections on the footing of universal suffrage, and the Council of the European union, which consists of one representative for each government of member countries, who are competent for a relevant field of legislation. Though the European union has a highly unusual character in terms of legislature, one could say that the closest betoken of equivalency lies within bicameral legislatures.[15] The European union is considered neither a country nor a state, just it enjoys the power to address national Governments in many areas.
Aristocratic and post-aristocratic [edit]
In a few countries, bicameralism involves the juxtaposition of democratic and aristocratic elements.
House of Lords of the United Kingdom [edit]
The House of Lords chamber
The best known case is the British Business firm of Lords, which includes a number of hereditary peers. The House of Lords is a vestige of the aristocratic organization that once predominated in British politics, while the other firm, the House of Commons, is entirely elected. Over the years, some accept proposed reforms to the Firm of Lords, some of which have been at least partly successful. The House of Lords Act 1999 limited the number of hereditary peers (as opposed to life peers, appointed by the Monarch on the advice of the Prime number Minister) to 92, down from around 700. Of these 92, one is the Earl Marshal, a hereditary office e'er held by the Duke of Norfolk, one is the Lord Great Chamberlain, a hereditary office held by turns, currently by the Marquess of Cholmondeley, and the other 90 are elected by all sitting peers. Hereditary peers elected by the Firm to sit as representative peers sit for life; when a representative peer dies, there is a past-election to fill the vacancy. The power of the Firm of Lords to cake legislation is curtailed by the Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949. Peers can introduce bills except Coin Bills, and all legislation must be passed by both Houses of Parliament. If non passed inside 2 sessions, the House of Commons can override the Lords′ delay by invoking the Parliament Act. Certain legislation, however, must be canonical by both Houses without beingness forced by the Commons under the Parliament Act. These include any bill that would extend the fourth dimension length of a Parliament, private bills, bills sent to the House of Lords less than ane month before the end of a session, and bills that originated in the House of Lords.
Life Peers are appointed either by recommendation of the Appointment Commission (the contained body that vets non-partisan peers, typically from academia, business or culture) or by Dissolution Honours, which take identify at the stop of every Parliamentary term when leaving MPs may be offered a seat to keep their institutional retention. It is traditional to offer a peerage to every outgoing Speaker of the House of Commons.[16]
Further reform of the Lords has been proposed; all the same, no proposed reforms have been able to achieve public consensus or authorities support. Members of the House of Lords all have an aristocratic championship, or are from the Clergy. 26 Archbishops and Bishops of the Church of England sit down as Lords Spiritual (the Archbishop of Canterbury, Archbishop of York, the Bishop of London, the Bishop of Durham, the Bishop of Winchester and the next 21 longest-serving Bishops). It is usual that retiring Archbishops, and certain other Bishops, are appointed to the Crossbenches and given a life peerage.
Until 2009, 12 Lords of Appeal in Ordinary sat in the House every bit the highest court in the land; they subsequently became justices of the newly created Supreme Court of the U.k.. Every bit of 16 February 2021, 803 people sit down in the House of Lords, with 92 Hereditary Peers, 26 Lords Spiritual and 685 Life Peers. Membership is not fixed and decreases only on the expiry, retirement or resignation of a peer.
Japan'south former House of Peers [edit]
Another case of aristocratic bicameralism was the Japanese Business firm of Peers, abolished after World War II and replaced with the present House of Councillors.
Unitary states [edit]
Some bicameral legislatures have chambers that meet in unlike buildings, at different parts of the city. Here, French republic'southward upper house chosen the Senate run into in the Luxembourg Palace (top), while the lower firm, the National Associates, meets at the Palais Bourbon (bottom).
Many unitary states similar Italia, France, holland, the Philippines, the Czech Commonwealth, the Republic of Ireland and Romania accept bicameral systems. In countries such every bit these, the upper house generally focuses on scrutinizing and perchance vetoing the decisions of the lower house.
Italian Parliament [edit]
On the other mitt, in Italia the Parliament consists of two chambers that have the same role and power: the Senate (Senate of the Republic, normally considered the upper business firm) and the Chamber of Deputies (considered the lower house). The main departure amid the 2 chambers is the manner the two chambers are equanimous: the deputies, in fact, are elected on a nationwide basis, whilst the members of the Senate are elected on a regional basis: this may atomic number 82 to different majorities among the ii chambers considering, for instance, a party may be the starting time nationally but second or 3rd in some regions. Because that in the Italian republic the Government needs to win confidence votes in both the chambers, it may happen that a Government has a strong majority (usually) in the Sleeping room of Deputies and a weak one (or no bulk at all) in the Senate. This has led sometimes to legislative deadlocks, and has acquired instability in the Italian Authorities.[17] [18] [xix]
Indirectly elected Upper Houses (France, Ireland, Netherlands) [edit]
In some of these countries, the upper business firm is indirectly elected. Members of France'southward Senate and Republic of ireland's Seanad Éireann are chosen by electoral colleges. In Republic of ireland, it consists of members of the lower house, local councillors, the Taoiseach, and graduates of selected universities, while holland' Senate is chosen past members of provincial assemblies (who, in turn, are directly elected).
Semi-bicameral (Hong Kong, Northern Ireland; earlier in Norway, the Netherlands) [edit]
In Hong Kong, members of the unicameral Legislative Council returned from the democratically-elected geographical constituencies and partially democratic functional constituencies are required to vote separately since 1998 on motions, bills or amendments to regime bills not introduced by the government. The passage of these motions, bills or amendments to regime motions or bills requires double majority in both groups simultaneously. (Before 2004, when elections to the Legislative Quango from the Ballot Committee was abolished, members returned through the Ballot Committee vote with members returned from geographical constituencies.) The double bulk requirement does not apply to motions, bills and amendments introduced by the government.
Another like situation are cantankerous-community votes in Northern Ireland when the petition of concern procedure is invoked.
Norway had a kind of semi-bicameral legislature with ii chambers, or departments, within the same elected body, the Storting. These were called the Odelsting and were abolished after the general ballot of 2009. According to Morten Søberg, there was a related system in the 1798 constitution of the Batavian Commonwealth.[20]
Examples of bicameralism in subnational entities [edit]
In some countries with federal systems, individual states (like those of the United States, Argentine republic, Commonwealth of australia and India) may also accept bicameral legislatures. A few such states as Nebraska in the U.S., Queensland in Australia, Bavaria in Frg, and Tucumán and Córdoba in Argentina have afterward adopted unicameral systems. (Brazilian states and Canadian provinces all abolished upper houses).
Argentina [edit]
In the Argentine Republic, eight provinces have bicameral legislatures, with a Senate and a Chamber of Deputies: Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Mendoza, Salta, San Luis (since 1987) and Santa Fe. Tucumán and Córdoba changed to unicameral systems in 1990 and 2001 respectively.[21] Santiago del Estero changed to a bicameral legislature in 1884, only inverse back to a unicameral system in 1903.
Australia [edit]
When the Australian states were founded as British colonies in the 19th century, they each had a bicameral Parliament. The lower firm was traditionally elected based on the 1-vote-ane-value principle, with universal male person suffrage, afterward expanded to women, whereas the upper house was either appointed on the communication of the regime or elected, with a strong bias towards country voters and landowners. Later on Federation, these became the state Parliaments. In Queensland, the appointed upper firm was abolished in 1922, while in New Southward Wales there were similar attempts at abolition, before the upper house was reformed in the 1970s to provide for direct election.[22]
Offset in the 1970s, Australian states began to reform their upper houses to innovate proportional representation in line with the Federal Senate. The starting time was the South Australian Legislative Council in 1973, which initially used a political party list system (replaced with STV in 1982),[23] followed past the Unmarried Transferable Vote being introduced for the New South Wales Legislative Quango in 1978,[24] the Western Australian Legislative Council in 1987[25] and the Victorian Legislative Council in 2003.[26]
Nowadays, the upper house both federally and in near states is elected using proportional representation while the lower house uses Instant-runoff voting in unmarried member electorates. This is reversed in the country of Tasmania, where proportional representation is used for the lower house and unmarried fellow member electorates for the upper house.[27]
Bosnia and herzegovina [edit]
The Legislature of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1 of the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a bicameral legislative body. It consists of two chambers. The House of Representatives has 98 delegates, elected for iv-twelvemonth terms by proportional representation. The House of Peoples has 58 members, 17 delegates from among each of the constituent peoples of the Federation, and 7 delegates from amid the other peoples.[28] Republika Srpska, the other entity, has a unicameral parliament, known as the National Assembly,[29] but at that place is also a Quango of Peoples who is de facto other business firm of legislative.[thirty]
Germany [edit]
The German federal state of Bavaria had a bicameral legislature from 1946 to 1999, when the Senate was abolished by a referendum amending the land's constitution. The other 15 states have used a unicameral system since their founding.
India [edit]
Of the 28 states and 8 Marriage Territories of India, merely vi states that is Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana and Uttar Pradesh - have bicameral legislatures, while the rest all have unicameral legislatures. The lower houses are called Legislative Assemblies, and their members are elected by universal adult suffrage from single-member constituencies in state elections, which are normally held every five years chosen Vidhana Sabha. In the six states with bicameral legislatures, the upper house is called the Legislative Council (Vidhan Parishad) or Vidhana Parishat, ane-third of whose members are elected every two years. Members of Legislative Council are elected in diverse ways:
- Ane-tertiary are elected by the members of local bodies in the state such every bit municipalities, gram panchayats, cake development councils and district councils.
- One-third are elected by the members of the state's Legislative Assembly from amongst persons who are not members of the Country Legislative Assembly.
- One-sixth are nominated past the governor of the state from amongst persons having knowledge or practical feel in fields such equally literature, science, arts, the co-operative movement and social service.
- One-twelfth are elected from special constituencies by persons who are higher graduates of three years' standing residing in those constituencies.
- 1-twelfth are elected by persons engaged for at least three years in teaching in educational institutions inside the state not lower than secondary schools, including colleges and universities.[31]
From 1956 to 1958 the Andhra Pradesh Legislature was unicameral. In 1958, when the Country Legislative Council was formed, information technology became bicameral until 1 June 1985 when it was abolished. This continued until March 2007 when the State Legislative Council was reestablished and elections were held for its seats. In Tamil Nadu, a resolution was passed on 14 May 1986 and the state's Legislative Council was dissolved on one November 1986. Again on 12 Apr 2010, a resolution was passed to reestablish the council, just was ultimately unsuccessful. Similarly, the states of Assam, Jammu and Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, and West Bengal have also dissolved the upper houses of their state legislatures.[ citation needed ]
Russia [edit]
Under Soviet regime regional and local Soviets were unicameral. After the adoption of 1993 Russian Constitution bicameralism was introduced in some regions. Bicameral regional legislatures are still technically immune by federal law only this clause is dormant now. The final region to switch from bicameralism to unicameralism was Sverdlovsk Oblast in 2012.
United States [edit]
During the 1930s, the Legislature of the State of Nebraska was reduced from bicameral to unicameral with the 43 members that once comprised that state'south Senate. I of the arguments used to sell the idea at the fourth dimension to Nebraska voters was that by adopting a unicameral system, the perceived evils of the "conference committee" procedure would be eliminated.
A conference commission is appointed when the two chambers cannot concord on the same wording of a proposal, and consists of a pocket-sized number of legislators from each chamber. This tends to identify much power in the hands of merely a small number of legislators. Whatever legislation, if whatsoever, the conference commission finalizes is presented in an unamendable "take-it-or-go out-it" manner past both chambers.
During his term as governor of the State of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura proposed converting the Minnesotan legislature to a single chamber with proportional representation, as a reform that he felt would solve many legislative difficulties and impinge upon legislative corruption. In his book on political issues, Exercise I Stand up Lone?, Ventura argued that bicameral legislatures for provincial and local areas were excessive and unnecessary, and discussed unicameralism as a reform that could address many legislative and budgetary bug for states.
Reform [edit]
Arab political reform [edit]
A 2005 written report[32] on democratic reform in the Arab world by the U.Due south. Council on Strange Relations co-sponsored by former Secretarial assistant of State Madeleine Albright urged Arab states to adopt bicameralism, with upper chambers appointed on a 'specialized footing'. The Council claimed that this would protect against the 'Tyranny of the majority', expressing concerns that without a system of checks and balances extremists would use the unmarried chamber parliaments to restrict the rights of minority groups.
In 2002, Bahrain adopted a bicameral system with an elected lower bedroom and an appointed upper house. This led to a boycott of parliamentary elections that year by the Al Wefaq political party, who said that the government would use the upper house to veto their plans. Many secular critics of bicameralism were won effectually to its benefits in 2005, after many MPs in the lower house voted for the introduction of so-called morality law.
Romania [edit]
A referendum on introducing a unicameral Parliament instead of the electric current bicameral Parliament was held in Romania on 22 November 2009. The turnout rate was 50.95%, with 77.78% of "Aye" votes for a unicameral Parliament.[33] This referendum had a consultative role, thus requiring a parliamentary initiative and another referendum to ratify the new proposed changes.
Ivory Declension [edit]
| This section needs to be updated. (July 2019) |
A plebiscite on a new constitution was held on thirty October 2016. The constitution typhoon would create a bicameral Parliament instead of the current unicameral. The Senate is expected to represent the interests of territorial collectivities and Ivoirians living away. 2 thirds of the Senate is to be elected at the aforementioned fourth dimension every bit the full general election. The remaining one third is appointed by the president elect.[34]
Examples [edit]
Electric current [edit]
Nations with a bicameral legislature.
Nations with a unicameral legislature.
Nations with a unicameral legislature and an advisory trunk.
Nations with no legislature.
No data.
Federal [edit]
Country | Bicameral torso | Notes | |
Upper house | Lower house | ||
![]() | National Congress | Of the twenty-three provincial legislatures, eight (Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Mendoza, Salta, San Luis, and Santa Fe) are bicameral, while the remaining fifteen and the legislature of the Autonomous Urban center of Buenos Aires are unicameral. | |
Senate | Chamber of Deputies | ||
![]() | Parliament | All of the state parliaments except Queensland'south are also bicameral. The legislatures of the NT and the ACT are unicameral. | |
Senate | House of Representatives | ||
![]() | Parliament | All of the Bundesländer take unicameral parliaments. | |
Bundesrat (Federal Quango) | Nationalrat (National Council) | ||
![]() | Federal Parliament | All of the community and regional parliaments are unicameral. | |
Senate | Chamber of Representatives | ||
![]() | Parliamentary Assembly | The Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and herzegovina is likewise bicameral, while the National Assembly of Republika Srpska is unicameral. | |
House of Peoples | House of Representatives | ||
![]() | National Congress | All of the 26 country legislatures and the Federal District legislature are unicameral. | |
Senate | Chamber of Deputies | ||
![]() | Parliament | All of the provincial and territorial legislatures are unicameral. | |
Senate | House of Commons | ||
![]() | Federal Parliamentary Associates | Regional Councils are unicameral. Assemblypersons of the Regional Councils are elected directly. | |
Firm of Federation | House of Peoples' Representatives | ||
![]() | N/A | In Germany, the chambers form two distinct constitutional bodies not framed by a comprehensive institution. German jurisprudence doesn't recognise the Bundesrat every bit a parliament chamber, considering it consists of members of the state governments. Although information technology must ever exist heard in the legislative process, it only has to give consent to bills in sure defined areas. All of the federal states (Länder) today have unicameral Landtage. | |
Bundesrat (Federal Council) | Bundestag (Federal Diet) | ||
![]() | Parliament | Six of the twenty-viii states as well accept bicameral legislatures, consisting of the upper firm, the State Legislative Council (Vidhan Parishad) and the lower house, the Land Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) respectively. The remaining twenty-ii states and the wedlock territories of Delhi, Jammu and Kashmir and Puducherry accept unicameral legislatures. | |
Rajya Sabha (Council of States) | Lok Sabha (House of the People) | ||
![]() | Parliament | All the thirteen Land Legislative Assemblies are unicameral. | |
Dewan Negara (Senate) | Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives) | ||
![]() | Congress | All the 31 Country Congresses and the Legislative Associates of the Federal District are unicameral. | |
Senate | Chamber of Deputies | ||
![]() | Parliament | All of the provincial assemblies are unicameral.[35] | |
Rastriya Sabha (National Assembly) | Pratinidhi Sabha (House of Representatives) | ||
![]() | National Assembly | ||
Senate | House of Representatives | ||
![]() | Parliament | All of the provincial assemblies are unicameral. | |
Senate | National Assembly | ||
![]() | Federal Assembly | All the regional legislatures are now unicameral while bicameralism in regions is technically allowed by the Federation. | |
Federation Council | Country Duma | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | House of The People | ||
![]() | Federal Assembly | All of the cantons have unicameral parliaments. | |
Council of States | National Council | ||
![]() | Congress | All of the land legislatures, except Nebraska, are besides bicameral. The Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico is bicameral. The Council of the District of Columbia is unicameral. | |
Senate | House of Representatives |
Unitary [edit]
Country | Bicameral body | Notes | |
Upper firm | Lower house | ||
![]() | National Assembly | ||
Meshrano Jirga (House of Elders) | Wolesi Jirga (House of the People) | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Council of the Nation | People's National Assembly | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | House of Representatives | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | Firm of Associates | ||
![]() | National Assembly | ||
Consultative Council | Council of Representatives | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | Firm of Associates | ||
![]() | National Assembly | ||
Quango | House of Representatives | ||
![]() | National Assembly | ||
Senate | Business firm of Representatives | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
National Council | National Assembly | ||
![]() | Plurinational Legislative Assembly | ||
Senate | Bedchamber of Deputies | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | National Assembly | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | National Assembly | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | National Assembly | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | National Assembly | ||
![]() | National Congress | ||
Senate | Chamber of Deputies | ||
![]() | Congress | ||
Senate | Sleeping room of Representatives | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | Bedchamber of Deputies | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | National Assembly | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | National Assembly | ||
![]() | Congress | ||
Senate | Sleeping room of Deputies | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | National Assembly | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | House of Assembly | ||
![]() | Parliament in the 5th France | All Regional Councils are unicameral. The regional councillors are elected directly. | |
Senate | National Assembly | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | National Assembly | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | Firm of Representatives | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | Chamber of Deputies | ||
![]() | People'southward Consultative Assembly | All of the provinces have unicameral parliaments. | |
Regional Representative Council | People'southward Representative Council | ||
![]() | Oireachtas | A 2013 proposal to abolish the Seanad was defeated at referendum. | |
Seanad Éireann (Senate of Ireland) | Dáil Éireann (Assembly of Ireland) | ||
![]() | Parliament | Both houses possess the aforementioned powers. The executive is responsible to both houses. All of the regional councils are unicameral. | |
Senate of the Commonwealth | Bedchamber of Deputies | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | National Associates | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | House of Representatives | ||
![]() | National Diet | ||
House of Councillors | House of Representatives | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | Firm of Representatives | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | Majilis (Assembly of People) | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | National Assembly | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | National Assembly | ||
![]() | Legislature | ||
Senate | House of Representatives | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | National Associates | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
House of Councillors | House of Representatives | ||
![]() | Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (Associates of the Union) | All the 14 State and Region Hluttaw (Assemblies) are unicameral. | |
Amyotha Hluttaw (House of Nationalities) | Pyithu Hluttaw (House of Representatives) | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
National Quango | National Associates | ||
![]() | States Full general | ||
Eerste Kamer | Tweede Kamer | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Majlis al-Dawla (Council of State) | Majlis al-Shura (Consultative Assembly) | ||
![]() | National Congress | ||
Senate | Firm of Delegates | ||
![]() | Congress | ||
Senate | Chamber of Deputies | ||
![]() | Congress | The Bangsamoro Parliament of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao and all Sangguniang Panlalawigan (Provincial Council), Sangguniang Panlungsod (Metropolis Council), and Sangguiniang Bayan (Municipal Council) are unicameral. | |
Senate | Business firm of Representatives | ||
![]() | National Associates | All of the voivodeship sejmiks are unicameral. | |
Senate | Sejm (Nutrition) | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | Chamber of Deputies | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | Chamber of Deputies | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | House of Assembly | ||
![]() | Parliament | In 2008, the Constitutional Courtroom of Slovenia recognized the Slovenian Parliament as incompletely bicameral. | |
National Council | National Associates | ||
![]() | Parliament | Each house has 82 members. The constitution of Somaliland does not clarify how members of the elders house are elected. But the members of the business firm of representative are elected once every five years. | |
House of Elders | House of Representatives | ||
![]() | Parliament | All of the provincial legislatures are unicameral. | |
National Council of Provinces | National Assembly | ||
![]() | Cortes Generales | A fixed number of 208 members of the Senate are elected by citizens, a variable number (currently 57) are appointed past the autonomous regions. Congress of Deputies can override a negative vote of the Senate on a beak with an absolute majority affirmative vote. Moreover, each Spanish autonomous region has its own unicameral regional parliament, with wide-ranging legislative powers on their ain. | |
Senate | Congress of Deputies | ||
![]() | Supreme Associates | ||
National Assembly | Assembly of Representatives | ||
![]() | National Assembly | ||
Senate | Business firm of Representatives | ||
![]() | Parliament | The Tobago House of Associates in the island of Tobago is unicameral. | |
Senate | House of Representatives | ||
![]() | National Council | ||
People's Quango | Assembly | ||
![]() | Parliament | Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have devolved unicameral legislatures, each with a varying range of powers. | |
House of Lords | Business firm of Commons | ||
![]() | General Assembly | ||
Senate | Chamber of Representatives | ||
![]() | Oliy Majlis | ||
Senate | Legislative Chamber | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Shura Quango | House of Representatives | ||
![]() | Parliament | ||
Senate | National Assembly of Zimbabwe |
Historical [edit]
![]() | Rigsdagen | Under the 1849 constitution Rigsdagen was created, with 2 houses, an upper and a lower house. However, after the 1953 plebiscite, both Rigsdagen and the Landsting was abolished, making the Folketing the sole sleeping room of the parliament. | |
Landsting (Upper house) | Folketing (Lower house) | ||
![]() | Parliament of the Hellenes | The Senate as an upper chamber was established past the Greek Constitution of 1844, of the Kingdom of Greece, and was abolished by the Greek Constitution of 1864. The Senate was reestabished past the republican Constitution of 1927, which establishing the Second Hellenic Commonwealth and was disestablished by the restoration of the Kingdom of Greece at 1935. | |
Gerousia (Senate) | Vouli (Sleeping room of Deputies) | ||
![]() | National Assembly | Nether the first constitution (first republic, 1948–52), the National Assembly was unicameral. The second and 3rd constitutions (first republic, 1952–threescore) regulated the National Assembly was bicameral and consisted of the Business firm of Commons and the Senate, simply merely the Firm of Commons was established and the Business firm of Commons could not pass a bill to establish the Senate. During the curt-lived 2nd republic (1960–61), the National Assembly became practically bicameral, but it was overturned past the May sixteen insurrection. The National Assembly has been unicameral since its reopen in 1963. | |
Senate | Business firm of Commons | ||
![]() | Parliament | Until 1950, the New Zealand Parliament was bicameral. It became unicameral in 1951, following the abolition of the Legislative Council, leaving the Business firm of Representatives as the sole parliamentary bedchamber. | |
Legislative Council | Business firm of Representatives | ||
![]() | Congress | The 1979 Constitution, which marked the return to democracy, followed the trend of previous constitutions by retaining a bicameral legislature. However it was dissolved altogether by President Alberto Fujimori past his 1992 autocoup. Afterwards, under the newer 1993 constitution, the bicameral arrangement was replaced past the unicameral Congress of the Republic. | |
Senate | Chamber of Deputies | ||
![]() | Cortes | During the period of Constitutional Monarchy, the Portuguese Parliament was bicameral. The lower house was the Sleeping accommodation of Deputies and the upper business firm was the Sleeping accommodation of Peers (except during the 1838-1842 period, where a Senate existed instead). With the replacement of the Monarchy by the Commonwealth in 1910, the Parliament continued to be bicameral with a Chamber of Deputies and a Senate existing until 1926. | |
Chamber of Peers | Chamber of Deputies | ||
![]() | Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Matrimony | The Congress of People's Deputies superseded the Supreme Soviet. The Soviet of the Republics briefly succeeded the Soviet of Nationalities in late 1991. | |
Soviet of Nationalities | Soviet of the Union | ||
![]() | Riksdagen | Until 1970, the Swedish Riksdag was bicameral. It became unicameral in 1971, simply retained the name Riksdag. | |
Första kammaren (Upper house) | Andra kammaren (Lower house) | ||
![]() | Federal Associates | Betwixt 1974 to 1992. | |
Chamber of Republics | Federal Bedchamber | ||
![]() | Parliament | It was established with the Turkish constitution of 1961 and abolished with the Turkish constitution of 1982, although it did not exist between 1980 and 1982 either as a result of the 1980 insurrection d'état in Turkey. | |
Senate of the Republic | National Assembly | ||
![]() | Congress | Under the 1999 constitution, the bicameral system was replaced by the unicameral National Assembly of Venezuela. | |
Senate | Sleeping room of Deputies | ||
![]() | Parliament | Original bicameral arrangement suspended past 2006 coup. 2013 Constitution of Republic of the fiji islands abolished information technology and replaced it with a single sleeping accommodation Parliament. | |
Senate | House of Representatives | ||
![]() | Parliament | Under the 2022 Referendum, the bicameral organisation was replaced by the unicameral system. | |
Senate | National Assembly | ||
![]() | Parliament | Between 1950 and 1979 | |
Senate | National Associates | ||
![]() | Parliament | Between 1990 and 2001 | |
Chamber of Counties | Bedchamber of Representatives | ||
![]() | Parliament | Betwixt 1955 and 1975 | |
Senate | National Assembly | ||
![]() | National Associates | Betwixt 1920 and 1939 | |
Senate | Chamber of Deputies | ||
Federal Assembly | Under the Constitutional Act on the Czechoslovak Federation, the Federal Associates replaced the unicameral National Assembly in 1969. Its ii constituent republics, the Czech (Socialist) Republic and the Slovak (Socialist) Republic, had unicameral legislatures (Czech National Council and Slovak National Council). When Czechoslovakia was dissolved at the starting time of 1993, the Federal Associates was disbanded. The Czechia established their upper house, the Senate, on December 1992. | ||
Bedchamber of Nations | Sleeping room of People |
Encounter also [edit]
- List of abolished upper houses
- Tricameralism
References [edit]
- ^ "IPU PARLINE database: Structure of parliaments". www.ipu.org . Retrieved 25 October 2015.
- ^ Seidle, F. Leslie; Docherty, David C. (2003). Reforming parliamentary commonwealth. McGill-Queen's Academy Press. p. three. ISBN9780773525085.
- ^ Julian Go (2007). "A Globalizing Constitutionalism?, Views from the Postcolony, 1945-2000". In Arjomand, Saïd Amir (ed.). Constitutionalism and political reconstruction. Brill. pp. 92–94. ISBN978-9004151741.
- ^ "How the Westminster Parliamentary System was exported around the World". University of Cambridge. 2 December 2013. Retrieved sixteen December 2013.
- ^ a b c "The Ramble Groundwork - House of Representatives archives". Archived from the original on xxx July 2015. Retrieved 28 July 2015.
- ^ (in French) Liberation.fr, Sénat, le triomphe de 50'anomalie
- ^ a b "Chapter 21: Relations with the House of Representatives". Odgers' Australian Senate Practice (14th ed.). Parliament of Commonwealth of australia. Retrieved 19 February 2018.
- ^ Jones, Clyve (2014). "Accommodation in the Painted Chamber for Conferences between the Lords and the Eatables from 1600 to 1834". Parliamentary History. 33 (ii): 342–357. doi:10.1111/1750-0206.12100. ISSN 0264-2824.
- ^ Blayden 2022 p.6; "Complimentary Conference—Municipal Corporations' Act Amendment (, )". Hansard. 11 August 1836. HC Deb vol 35 cc1125–7. Retrieved 19 February 2018.
- ^ Blayden 2022 p.6; "Managers for the Free Briefing, on the Beak to prevent Commerce with Spain". Firm of Lords Journal. British History Online. 22–24 April 1740. Book 25, pp.518–526. Retrieved 19 February 2018.
- ^ a b Blayden, Lynsey (September 2017). "Practice free conferences have a place in the present-day NSW Parliament?" (PDF). Australasian Study of Parliament Group. Retrieved 19 February 2018.
- ^ Crump, Rick (Spring 2007). "Why the conference procedure remains the preferred method for resolving disputes betwixt the two houses of the South Australian Parliament". Australasian Parliamentary Review. 22 (two): 120–136. CiteSeerX10.1.1.611.7131.
- ^ "Papers on Parliament No. 34 Representation and Institutional Alter: 50 Years of Proportional Representation in the Senate". 1999. Retrieved 23 February 2017.
- ^ According to the Bundesverfassungsgericht, BVerfGE 37, 363, Aktenzeichen 2 BvF 2, 3/73
- ^ European Union Politics, John McCormick, 3rd Edition
- ^ How practice yous become a Fellow member of the Business firm of Lords? - UK Parliament. Parliament.uk (21 April 2010). Retrieved on 2013-07-12.
- ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 December 2019. Retrieved 10 September 2019.
{{cite web}}
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- ^ "Italian constitutional reforms: Towards a stable and efficient government". ConstitutionNet.
- ^ "Minerva". Minerva.
- ^ Malamud, Andrés and Martín Costanzo (2010) "Bicameralismo subnacional: el caso argentino en perspectiva comparada". In: Igor Vivero Ávila (ed.), Democracia y reformas políticas en México y América Latina (pp. 219-246). United mexican states: 1000. A. Porrúa.
- ^ "Australia's Upper Houses - ABC Rear Vision". Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 24 Apr 2019. Retrieved vii September 2020.
- ^ Dunstan, Don (1981). Felicia: The political memoirs of Don Dunstan. Griffin Press Limited. pp. 214–215. ISBN0-333-33815-4.
- ^ "Role and History of the Legislative Assembly". Parliament of New South Wales. Archived from the original on 23 April 2011. Retrieved 9 September 2014.
- ^ Electoral Reform expected to change residuum of power, The Australian, 11 June 1987, p.5
- ^ Constitution (Parliamentary Reform) Human action 2003
- ^ Griffith, Gareth; Srinivasan, Sharath (2001). Land Upper Houses in Australia (PDF). New South Wales Parliamentary Library Service.
- ^ Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and herzegovina
- ^ "About National Associates - NSRS". world wide web.narodnaskupstinars.cyberspace. 28 January 2015.
- ^ "Domicile page". vijecenarodars.net (in Serbian).
- ^ Article 171, Clause 3 of the Constitution of India(1950)
- ^ "2005 report" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 July 2008.
- ^ Referendum turnout 50.95%. 77.78 said YES for a unicameral Parliament, 88.84% voted for the decrease in the number of Parliamentarians Archived 21 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine, Official results from the Romanian Central Electoral Commission
- ^ "Innovations of the Draft Constitution of Republic of cote d'ivoire: Towards hyper-presidentialism?". ConstitutionNet.
- ^ "Constitution of Nepal" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 23 December 2015. Retrieved 18 February 2016.
Further reading [edit]
- Aroney, Nicholas (2008). "4 Reasons for an Upper House: Representative Democracy, Public Deliberation, Legislative Outputs and Executive Accountability". Adelaide Constabulary Review. 29 . Retrieved 21 February 2021.
External links [edit]
- Noncontemporaneous Lawmaking: Tin the 110th Senate Enact a Bill Passed past the 109th House?, sixteen Cornell J.L. & Pub. Politico'y 331 (2007).
- Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl, Confronting Mix-and-Match Lawmaking, 16 Cornell J.L. & Pub. Politico'y 349 (2007).
- Defending the (Not So) Indefensible: A Reply to Professor Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl, 16 Cornell J.L. & Pub. Pol'y 363 (2007).
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicameralism
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