See You Again Korean Drama Gay

Information technology's not your typical K-drama, simply it's certain to get you lot hooked! Why don't you indulge yourself in some passionate boys' romance? We've rounded up some quality Korean BL dramas that you can binge-lookout man immediately. Read on to observe the perfect BL drama for you!

"Color Rush"

Yeon Woo (Yoo Jun), a boy with neurological blindness, sees the world in tones of gray. That is, until the twenty-four hours he meets Yoo Han (Hur Hyun Jun). Whenever Yoo Han walks into the room, Yeon Woo finds himself seeing explosions of colors that he has never experienced before. But before Yeon Woo and Yoo Han tin effigy out what this ways, they are faced with nevertheless another problem: the search for Yeon Woo's mother. As they dig deeper into the untold stories surrounding her disappearance, the pair begins to unravel the irresistible pull they take for each other. Will they detect Yeon Woo's mother and perchance even dearest at the end of this tunnel?

"Color Rush" is not your typical find-your-soulmate-on-a-spring-day romance, and then buckle your seatbelts! You volition notice the perfect combination of romance and thrill every bit the plot unfolds and find yourself eager for more. Fans of this drama have commented that "Color Rush" is one of the virtually special Thou-dramas they have always watched, especially because it deals with a very interesting topic: monos and probes. Each episode is approximately 15 minutes long—perfect for snacking on while you go on about your day or to devour all at once in a single binge session!

Watch "Color Rush" here:

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"To My Star"

A-list celebrity Kang Seo Joon (Son Woo Hyun) gets himself into nevertheless another scandal—just this time, he can't just get away with information technology. Frustrated with the huge onslaught of media attention, his manager suggests that he stay at the apartment he owns until the frenzy dies down. But little did he know, the apartment had already been rented out to the breathtakingly handsome chef Han Ji Woo (Kim Kang Min). Seo Joon and Ji Woo begin an unexpected co-living situation, and shortly, feel the undeniable attraction they have for each other. Together, the free-spirited glory and bourgeois chef must decide between working out their differences or just leaving things as they are and going their separate means.

A puppy-eyed celebrity and a cranky chef, what more could you enquire for? If yous're a true K-drama fan, yous know that's a combination worth aircraft! Non only practice the actors have insane visual chemistry, but the interim has also been judged to be ane of the best in the BL world, bringing a realistic flair to the drama. Another highlight is the tug-and-pull romance. The constant bickering between the 2 is sure to keep yous on the edge of your seat. Thanks to the undying dear from its fans, the drama has likewise been made into a movie! If you lot loved the drama serial, why don't y'all give yourself a recap with the motion picture as well?

Catch the drama here:

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And watch the movie version below!

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"Wish Yous : Your Melody From My Heart"

Kang In Soo (Kang In Soo) is a free-spirited soul who breathes, eats, and lives music. Although reality has compromised performing to a mere hobby, In Soo does not stop busking on the streets to spread his love. 1 solar day, a fateful encounter on YouTube leads Yoon Sang Yi (Lee Sang) to fall completely caput over heels for In Soo's music and get the brilliant idea to recommend the immature artist to bring together his record company's rookie discovery project. The two are soon paired up to live and work together, and a tingly feeling begins to blossom between them. But before long, reality hits, and the couple faces uncountable differences and conflicts, both personal and professional person. With and so many ups and downs to bargain with, will this human relationship be given a real chance to fully bloom?

"Wish You lot" is a perfect mash-up of handsome boys and M-pop. In other words, it is simply irresistible. Members of boy groups MYNAME and IMFACT, respectively, Kang In Soo and Lee Sang lent their beautiful voices to the drama'southward soundtrack. And did you know the song charted high on music charts considering it's just that good? Some other corking thing near this drama is that it's non just a fairy tale. Each grapheme has their ain luggage to bargain with, and it makes it all the more interesting to watch the plot unfold equally each internal conflict plays a role in their relationships. This realistic romance story is not afraid to evidence everyone's flaws and beautifully portrays how true dear embraces those flaws.

Watch "Wish You" here:

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"Where Your Eyes Linger"

Han Tae Joo (Han Gi Chan) and Gang Gook (Jang Eui Soo) take a somewhat unusual relationship: the onetime is a super rich, powerful heir to a conglomerate fortune, and the latter is his unofficial bodyguard. The ii grow up together, sharing childhood memories, and at that place has been naught but friendship between them. That is, until Hye Mi (Choi Kyu Ri) unexpectedly enters their lives by transferring to their school. When she asks out Gook on a date, Tae Joo feels a strange emotion building up inside him, something similar…jealousy? Simply the real question is, will he have the courage to human action on this unfamiliar feeling and declare his love for Tae Joo? Or volition he hide behind the veil of babyhood friendship?

Nosotros all have a childhood friend we've had a crush on, maybe even confessed our honey to. The best thing virtually this sort of beloved-friendship is that they are people nosotros know best, the people we shared the majority of our lives with. If you lot can chronicle, you're going to love "Where Your Eyes Linger." Not only does information technology depict a heart-racing kind of dearest you lot would have never thought of having for your friend, but it too portrays the realistic side of information technology—the fright of losing an old friend to a jerky confession. And come on, who hasn't dreamed of having a hot bodyguard or dating a handsome Prince Charming who also happens to be the sole heir to a fortune?

Commencement watching "Where Your Eyes Linger":

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"Mr. Heart"

Sang Ha (Lee Se Jin) is your sunshine male child and a sprinter who never loses his grin even when things are at their lowest. Jin Won (Cheon Seung Ho), on the other mitt, is a stone cold marathoner who doesn't intendance about anyone or anything but running his next race. So it is no surprise that when Jin Won'due south coach introduces Sang Ha to become his new pacemaker, Jin Won doesn't have it easily. The 2 don't go forth at commencement, mostly due to Jin Won's salty attitude, merely as they start to share a deeper, more genuine connection on the tracks, their relationship begins to mature. Their common passion, running, brings them closer together. But at the same time, in creeps the fear that if they develop this romance farther, they may both lose what they have worked so hard to achieve.

I'thou non i to jump to conclusions, simply when I saw the top difference between these boys, I just knew that this was the perfect BL drama to binge sentinel. And only like their heights, the two characters are polar opposites. One is a sunshine Mr. Happy, and the other is a don't-bear on-me Mr. Grumpy. These differences make it all the more worthwhile to follow their romantic journeying and give the viewer extra satisfaction when they finally end upwardly together. "Mr. Center" is a follow-up projection to "Where Your Optics Linger," and then if you're a fan of either one, you know you're going to love the other besides!

Picket "Mr. Middle" below:

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"Yous Make Me Dance"

Song Shi On (Chu Immature Woo) is a 22-year-onetime university student majoring in contemporary dance, and Jin Hong Seok (Won Hyung Hoon) is a 28-year-quondam debt collector from a lending firm. Their worlds collide when Shi On takes up an offer to share an flat with Hong Seok to save upwardly hire money. From ii completely unlike stars, the duo unexpectedly comes beyond something they have in common—their honey for dance, or to exist more exact, how reality is getting in the way of their dreams to trip the light fantastic toe. Shi On has been thrown out of home because of his career ambitions, and Hong Seok is only working at the lending firm for the coin it brings. As the pair develops a closer human relationship, they are too faced with social pressure level.

Ane-ii-cha-cha-cha. I-two-cha-cha-cha. If you idea "Yous Make Me Trip the light fantastic toe" would exist a stereotypical romance between a "soft guy" and a "tough guy," y'all're wrong! You volition exist surprised by how well-rounded each graphic symbol is and how many dimensions there are to their personalities. In this drama, fate hides behind the mask of unexpected encounters, and destiny behind inevitable conflicts, reminding its viewers that everything happens for a reason. Who knows? Maybe your soulmate is just around the corner, waiting for you to spill coffee on them past blow.

Bank check out "You Make Me Dance" hither:

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