Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled Clip Art

We are facing a world that seems to be experiencing more and more unrest. The events of the concluding few months have seen health unrest, economic unrest and social unrest. Yet in the midst of this unrest is a promise Jesus made to his disciples, which is much needed today. Hither is the promise from John 14:27:

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give yous. I do not give to you every bit the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

I am certain you would concord that right now peace is what we need in our hearts. With that in mind, this is a fantastic time to understand the meaning and context of John 14:27, considering if there e'er was a twenty-four hours crying out for peace, this is that day.

What Does "Peace I Leave with You, My Peace I Give to Y'all" Mean?

For many people, peace can mean the absence of conflict or trouble. While this is a definition of peace I don't believe that is what Jesus was talking well-nigh hither. This peace that Jesus was talking about means rest, tranquility or a stillness in your heart. It is not the absenteeism of trouble, but it exists in spite of trouble.

This peace pushes through all the disturbing circumstances that life tin throw at you lot. Information technology gives you the ability to endure and be calm even in the face of extreme turmoil. This peace doesn't eliminate conflict or trouble, but gives you the ability to endure through information technology. Consider it an inner confidence that you lot know God will come up through in this situation, and that removes your fright and worry and replaces information technology with peace.

my peace i give you - john 14:27

What Is the Context of John 14:27?

At present that nosotros have laid a foundation for the meaning and context of John xiv:27, let's expect a little farther and get some more understanding. The discourse nosotros encounter in John 14 seems to be a continuation of instruction and teaching that Jesus was giving his disciples at the last supper. If you desire to go a sense of the full conversation, you need to go back to the kickoff of chapter xiii.

When yous read John 13:ane you lot will empathise the motivation backside what Jesus would practise and what he tells his disciples.

"It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the cease."

The ultimate motivation for Jesus actions, instructions and comfort we run into in chapters xiii and 14 was considering he loved his disciples. In fact, he loved them to the cease, knowing he was almost to return to the Father, knowing the events that were nigh to happen, knowing that they would be on the verge of falling apart once they saw him get arrested, be crucified, and eventually die.

He wanted them to have reassurance along with peace and comfort. This is where his centre was. He was beingness faithful to the ones God had entrusted him with. Hither are the highlights of some of the things he says and does in John 13 and fourteen:

- He washes the disciples' feet.

- He tells them of Judas' betrayal.

- He encourages them to love each other.

- He tells them he will get and prepare a place for them and will come back for them.

- He promises them the Holy Spirit.

- He leaves them with peace.

This just shows the amazing character of Jesus; he left cipher out and truly prepared his disciples. He understood that it was about to get crude for them and he wanted them to non be worried or troubled.

How Does the Verse Appear in Different Translations?

Sometimes, verses can read differently in other translations. This tin can often assist u.s.a. to gain a better agreement of the author's original meaning. So, let'southward take a expect at John 14:27 in a few other translations:

NLT- I am leaving you with a gift — peace of listen and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. And so don't be troubled or afraid.

CEV- I give you lot peace, the kind of peace just I can give. It isn't like the peace this earth can give. And so don't exist worried or afraid.

The Message - I'm leaving you well and whole. That's my parting gift to you. Peace. I don't go out you lot the way y'all're used to existence left — feeling abandoned, bereft. So don't be upset. Don't be distraught.

ERV- I exit you lot peace. It is my ain peace I give y'all. I give y'all peace in a different way than the world does. And then don't exist troubled. Don't be afraid.

The Living Bible - I am leaving you with a gift — peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give isn't fragile like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or agape.

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How Is Jesus' Peace Different Than the Globe's "Peace"?

The answer to this question is very simple. Peace that the world gives is dependent more often than not on the circumstances. When everything lines up, life is good, and there are no problems, this is when a measure of peace comes. Peace, by the world'due south standards, is merely the absence of any bug, disturbances, or inconveniences. This is what I volition call outer peace.

The peace that Jesus gives is far unlike from that. It is not dependent on circumstances. This peace flows in the midst of persecution, trouble, disappointment, confusion, and anxiety. Jesus recognizes that he would not always remove you lot from the challenging situations of life. He never promised to do that. What he did hope is that in spite of the situations in life, he will give you peace.

There is an former song people would sing about joy. It goes "the joy that I accept the earth didn't requite it and the world can't take it away." I approximate this vocal needs some other chorus because the same matter is true of God's peace. The globe didn't give information technology and the world can't have it away.

How Tin can We Accept The Peace of Jesus?

When Paul wrote his letter to the church in Philippi, he outlined the hugger-mugger of obtaining this lasting peace that Jesus has made bachelor to united states:

"Do not exist anxious about anything, but in every state of affairs, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7).

When you get through life, there will be moments of anxiety, worry, nervousness, and fear. Jesus does not want you lot living in anxiety so he offers you a remedy for it…peace.

However, the path to receiving this peace comes from giving every situation to God in prayer. When you lot do this, God'southward peace crowds out anxiety in your life. In fact, this poetry literally ways that peace will stand guard and scout over your mind, fighting dorsum and keeping out all potential feelings of anxiety.

This peace doesn't mean the situation will resolve or dissipate. In fact, the situation could get worse. Nevertheless regardless of what happens, if you follow this instruction and give it to God in prayer, and so you will feel his peace. When this peace arrives, the need to be troubled or agape departs.

Peace is such a wonderful gift that Jesus has left you lot. He wants you to feel the fullness of his peace. This is the pregnant and context of John xiv:27. He didn't just leave peace. He actually wants y'all to accept peace.

Getting to this place of peace won't come from worry or stress. Information technology will come up from resting in the loving arms of your savior. Knowing that he is in control and that he volition carry you through whatever situation that life has to offer. What Jesus said to his disciples however rings true today, he volition love yous to the end. When you let that sink deep into your spirit and this reality becomes truthful to you, there is only one past product of this – peace. This truly is a peace that no 1 in the world could ever give yous.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Yolya

Clarence L. Haynes a speaker, Bible teacher, and co-founder of The Bible Written report Club.  He is the author of The Pursuit of Purpose which volition help you empathise how God leads you into his will. He has also just released his new book The Pursuit of Victory: How To Conquer Your Greatest Challenges and Win In Your Christian Life. Do you want to go deeper in your walk with the Lord just tin't seem to overcome the stuff that keeps getting in the way? This book volition teach you how to put the pieces together and then you can live a victorious Christian life and finally get the man or woman of God that yous truly want to exist. To learn more about his ministry please visit


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